Tuesday, 1 May 2012



I'm kinda obbsessed with anything to do with Titainc atm.
Its ever since I watched the move with my best friend and 'OH MY DAYS!'
I cried my freaking eyes out!!!!! :'(
But it is the sweetest movie ever!
And oh my gaud, I love Jack. *_*

He is soo cute <'33

And like the sweetest guy ever! :)

I found this picture, its really sad ;(

You should of seen me crying at the movie. I went to see it in 3D so it looked amazing.
And when ship sunk I just burst into tears, and then like the most uppsteting thing ever happens...
I won't tell you! You'll have to watch it yourself!
I came out of the cinmea and I basicly looked like a monster becuase all the makeup on my face
was driping down!

Anyway, I'm making a TITANIC movie...just look at my newset artbook for details on how you can be in it! I have no idea how I'm going to do the ship sences and stuff =S
But oh well! =D


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